LIVE 'Shatter Your Retirement Risks' CPE Event [Dates: April 1st and 2nd @ 3:00 PM CT]

It's Back! 27th - 30th August!

Plan & Protect Your Retirement

Three days of powerful talks. Twelve of the world's most innovative minds. Fifteen years of inspiration. One mega eCommerce conference.

LIVE 'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' CPE Workshop

[Date: Feb. 11th @ 3-5PM CT]

"Give Us Just 2 Hours...

And We'll Show You How To Safely

Plan & Protect Your Retirement

Turn Retirement Into A Peaceful And Stress Free Time!"

(This Can Work Even If You Are The Only One Who Manages The Finances, Have Done Next To Nothing To Prepare For Retirement, Have Already Retired, Or Do Not Know What A Risk-Based Retirement Plan Is...!)

Event Starts In


This FREE 2 Hour CPE Workshop Is Ideally For Ages 50+

By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information for contacting you in regards to this event and for future marketing. We will not sell your information.

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There Are 3 Ways To Plan For Retirement

But Only One Will Give You The Maximum Security You Want...

Watch 'The Accountant That's Got Your Back' Below And Join The Workshop Today!

Want To Know The FIRST Thing A Retirement Expert Would Do If He Were Asked To Do Your Retirement Planning Like His Own...?

You guessed it... he'd put together a Risk-Based Retirement Plan!

​Just like the hundreds of plans he's put together for his clients and himself!




Dave Hall, CPA &
Retirement Expert

We are changing the paradigm of retirement planning...

We are taking it from the old process filled with complex graphs, spreadsheets, and plans with low probability that ignore many aspects of your retirement. The new comprehensive process includes a simple plan with step-by-step directions but also strategies to eliminate risks that are so often overlooked: Social Security, future tax rates, longevity, sequence-of-return, unsustainable withdrawal rates, a long-term care event, inflation, Medicare, elder abuse, and lack of income diversity.

'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' Workshop Will Teach You...

What Risks You Face In Retirement And How You Should Combat Them...
​...And Get You Introduced To A Simple Answer That Will Allow You To Have The Retirement You Want Without Risking Everything In The Stock Market Or Lowering Your Standard Of Living!

Here's What You'll Learn

In Both Hours Of The 2-Hour 'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' LIVE Workshop!

​Finding Your Life Purpose...

We will jump right into it! The first lesson of the 'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' Workshop we will dive into discovering your purpose in retirement and help you find your guiding star in retirement!

You'll leave having learned...

  • Your Purpose: What it is that will give you satisfaction and guidance in retirement.
  • How You Were Prepared: Learn what has prepared you to carry out your purpose.
  • Why It's Important: Know how a purpose in retirement can make this final stage of life some of the best years of your life.

The Who, What, & Why Of Your Legacy...

Next, we will cover the who, what, and why of leaving a lasting legacy.

You'll leave having learned...

  • Who you should actually be leaving a legacy for
  • What should actually be left as your legacy
  • If leaving a legacy is the right thing for you

Risk-Based Lifestyle & Legacy Planning...

Next, we will cover why all-inclusive risk-based lifestyle and legacy planning is so different from the current planning that is being done across America.

You'll leave having learned...

  • The 10 Things Required for Risk-Based Planning
  • What it will take for you to do this type of planning yourself. The process won’t be easy, but we will show you the steps you need to take to achieve success.
  • What it will take for you to engage our team of experts to help you with the process. After seeing the tools and resources we offer this has turned into the preferred choice for those who are truly wanting to get to a safe and secure retirement.

Bridging The Gap In Your Retirement...

Finally, we will cover how you can get from where you are with your retirement planning, to where you want to be.

You'll leave having learned...

  • What's holding you back
  • What is needed to fill the gap
  • How you can make the change

What's Holding You Back?

This Is Precisely The BEST Time To Start Your Risk-Based Planning For Retirement...
​And Begin Guarding Your Finances So You Can Have The Retirement You Have Always Wanted With The Knowledge That You And Any Family Members Will Be Taken Care Of!

Eager To Create A Thriving Yet Safe & Secure Retirement Plan?

What You Can Anticipate From The 'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' Workshop!

Before The Workshop

  • ​Questioning if you or your family will have enough to make it through retirement
  • ​Ready to make a solid retirement plan, but don't know where to start...
  • ​Overwhelmed with uncertainty in the future
  • ​Feeling stuck with where your finances are, but not wanting to take big risks...

After The Workshop

  • ​Feel confident that you can create a plan that will get you and your family to the end
  • ​Know exactly where to start without being overwhelmed
  • ​Have a crystal clear knowledge that you can be ok
  • ​​Possess the unambiguous knowledge of what to do next!

Let's Review Everything You Get When You Sign Up For The...

'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' Workshop!

  • FREE! TWO hours of education covering all the fundamentals you need for living a purposeful retirement TODAY!
  • FREE! Necessary knowledge about the 10 risks that YOU NEED to plan for if you hope to have the retirement of your dreams!
  • FREE! Knowledge on THE KEY mandatory for you and any family of yours to properly retire safely and securely.


Normally: $2,500 Value

100% FREE!

PLUS FREE 2 hours of CPE credit if you attend the whole workshop!!!

Ready To Plan Your Retirement The Right Way?

The Time To Take Action Is NOW!

LEARN from retirement expert and CPA Dave Hall on how you can correctly plan for retirement against today's risks so you can have the retirement you have dreamed about while knowing you and your family will be properly taken care of... all without putting your hard earned funds at risk!


2 Hour Virtual Workshop: 'Live With Purpose: Leave A Legacy' LIVE!
​CPE Available


[Date: Feb. 11th @ 3-5PM CT]


Because this is YOUR time to properly plan YOUR retirement for a more secure future!


This 2 hour event includes 2 Hours of CPE credits total.

Live With Purpose, Leave a Legacy: Risk-Based Planning is the Key to Your Success

Instruction Method: Group Live
CPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

Prerequisites: None
Program Knowledge Level: Basic

Advanced Preparation: None
CPE: 2 CPE Credit Hours 

NASBA Approved
​Retirement Risk Advisors, LLC (Sponsor Id#: 147354) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Workshop Course Description:

This interactive workshop is specifically designed for individuals aged 50 and older who are eager to live a life of purpose and leave a lasting legacy. The workshop will guide you through a structured process to help you live your best life in retirement, clarify the who, what, and why of your legacy, and identify the top 10 financial risks that could jeopardize your success. You will learn how risk-based planning is the key to getting you safely through retirement and ensuring that you can keep the commitments you’ve made to yourself and your loved ones. This workshop blends reflection, education, and action to help you craft a comprehensive plan for a meaningful and secure future. (Recommended for those 50 or older.)

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover and define your life’s purpose, aligning it with their retirement and legacy planning goals. 
  • Clarify the who, what, and why of your legacy, ensuring that your values are reflected in the legacy you intend to leave. 
  • Identify and understand the impact of the top 10 financial risks, such as longevity risk, sequence of return, and inflation, that could threaten your retirement. 
  • Learn how risk-based planning serves as the solution to mitigate financial risks so you can live your best life and leave a lasting legacy


Refund & Resolution Policies

Refund Policy

Refunds for professional development programs sponsored by Retirement Risk Advisors must be requested in writing (email will satisfy this requirement). Refund requests received after the cancellation deadline will be reviewed by the Program & Services Chair on a case-by-case basis and full or partial refunds may be issued if circumstances warrant.

Program Cancellation
Every effort will be made to conduct professional development programs sponsored by Retirement Risk Advisors that have been advertised. In the unlikely event that such a program needs to be cancelled for any reason, Retirement Risk Advisors will notify all registered participants via email, letter or phone of the cancellation and will issue them a full refund. Additional notices of the program cancellation will be made through appropriate means such as Association website, newsletter, or broadcast email.

Complaint Resolution Policy
​Retirement Risk Advisors is dedicated to providing the highest quality CPE courses and service. To achieve this goal, Retirement Risk Advisors has implemented a complaint resolution policy to resolve any issues or concerns.

Any complaint should include your name and contact information as well as a detailed description of the complaint and any action you would like us to take to resolve your complaint. All complaints will be reviewed by our CPE Specialist, Joanne. She can be reached directly via email at

You can communicate your complaint by phone, fax, email or traditional mail.

Website Support Ticket:
Phone Number: 855-419-0400
Fax Number: 702-446-4886
Mailing Address: Retirement Risk Advisors
1309 Coffeen Avenue, Suite 3851
Sheridan, WY 82801

I have saved myself millions of dollars planning for retirement based on the principles I teach, and I am NOT promising that if you attend this event you will do the same. Most people will actually do NOTHING with the information that I have proven can secure a person's retirement. I can guarantee you one thing - Planning for retirement doesn’t happen by mistake. You HAVE to KNOW what risks you face, how to evaluate risk versus opportunity, and how to take action on it.



1309 Coffeen Avenue, Suite 3851, Sheridan, WY 82801


Toll free: 1 (855) 491-0400
​Text us at: 1 (307) 264-2902
